Return Policy

The following are the conditions that apply to returns of products:

  • Only products in unopened original packaging that have not been tampered with or used in any manner or that are damaged or defective upon delivery may be returned to us for a refund or exchange.
  • Products must be returned to us within 14 days of delivery using a mailing method that allows for shipment tracking.
  • You should inspect products for damage upon delivery. If you notice any damage or believe a product is defective, you should contact us immediately to file a report. Upon receipt, we will make a determination, in its reasonable discretion, whether a product claimed to be damaged or defective was actually damaged or defective when originally delivered to you.
  • Products must be returned with the original packaging.
  • Shipping charges are non-refundable
  • We will not accept merchandise that has been used, altered or damaged. We will not be responsible in the event that returned packages are lost, stolen, or mishandled.
  • Only products purchased through our website may be returned in accordance with this return policy. Beguile products purchased through any other outlet are subject to the return policies applicable to such outlets.
  • We reserves the right to refuse to refund or exchange any product that does not meet the above requirements.

Kindly contact us at to initiate a return.